My sewing studio finally made the move to my new place, and guess what? I found a treasure trove of fabric that I used to make a slipcover for my old rocking chair!
With new found inspiration, I decided to turn my attention to my Wing Channel Chair and give it a fresh slipcover and reupholster the footstool to look like new.
I made up my mind that I didn’t want the wood peeking through, and those channels on the inside back? Not even on my radar. I wanted the slipcover to be simply and slide over the chair easily.
Laying out the fabric on the chair. This was a stretchy Upholstery fabric, which is very forgiving. Cutting down the seat fabric for the slipcover. Inside back, outside back, inside and outside arms.
I was on a mission to transform my chair into a glam throne. With a few crafty moves, I pinned the edges and added darts to the back to make it fit like a glove and fall perfectly straight to the floor. I also kept it snazzy yet simple.

Uh-oh! Not enough fabric for the pancake cushion mission! So, I had to improvise by sewing a whole front piece and a back made from two pieces of fabric. The two pieces lapped over nicely at the back, allowing me to easily slip the pillow inside. Crisis averted!
Can use plan cake cushion in the seat or inside back of chair. Note the cushion has the lap over opening.